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Does CBD work for Pain

DOES cbd work for Pain relief

Cannabidiol is a popular alternative compared to prescription pain relief (such as opioids). Especially, for people who have chronic pain and have become reliant upon those habit-forming medications.  Even though more research is required to verify the pain-relieving properties of CBD, it’s clear patients are benefiting from trying these CBD products.

why is cbd being chosen over pain meds

CBD is becoming a ‘quick-fix’ for many medical conditions and symptoms for anything from psoriasis to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Shinning Star

It seems to be becoming the medical industry’s shining star’.  Which has seen researchers jump at the opportunity to gain a better understanding of how this product is helping people.

There currently aren’t a lot of clinical trials about CBD for pain relief in humans. But preclinical tests are being carried out on animals, for example, animals with painful arthritis.   These studies have shown that CBD reduces pain and inflammation and has very few side effects.  

how does it work

For thousands of years, people have been using CBD as a natural remedy for pain relief.  Still, the medical community have only recently begun studying its benefits and how it works in-depth.  CBD reacts with the endocannabinoid receptors in our brain and immune system (the tiny proteins attached to our cells).

These receptors receive chemical signals and respond by creating anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects that aid with the management of pain.  The current theory is that the endocannabinoid system has two cannabinoid receptors: CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are in the brain.  They are believed to be associated with cognitive actions including mood, memory, thinking and appetite.

CB1 and CB2 receptors

The CB2 receptors are found in the immune system and are responsible for how the body reacts to pain and inflammation.   THC attaches to the CB1 receptors (which explains why using THC rich Cannabis can affect behaviour and appetite).

In contrast, CBD creates a positive effect on the CB2 receptors whereby the body is enticed to generate more of its cannabinoids.  This is how CBD is believed to work, but more research is being carried out to ensure that this is entirely accurate.

what kind of pain can it help

It is said that CBD Oils and CBD-infused products can help with arthritis pain relief, symptoms surrounding cancer treatment and migraine pain relief.

For arthritis pain, it’s advised that a topical CBD-infused product is used and applied directly to the skin where the arthritis is causing pain.   So researchers have tried this method of treatment on rats with arthritis for four days and noticed a significant decrease in inflammation without any side effects. It does not take long to begin to work.

This test, so far, has only been carried out on animals, so more research needs to take place to see if it is as effective on humans.   However, with most topicals designed to help with arthritis pain, it’s a case of trying products to see if they work for you and whether you like the product. A guide to CBD topicals, balms and lotions coming soon.

The Research

There have been case studies that have shown people with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) trying CBD oil to help reduce the pain felt during muscle spasms.  Muscle spasms are one of the most common symptoms of MS and can cause extreme pain.   MS patients that have tried CBD oil have sometimes reported a reduction in the frequency of their spasms as well as pain relief.   But these results are modest and haven’t got scientific verification yet, we are mid-trials.

There have been reports that CBD has been helping cancer patients reduce the pain from their cancer treatments.  Research has also been carried out on animals to see whether CBD can shrink cancerous tumours, which was successful in some of these animals.   Still, there currently isn’t enough research to see this success with tumours in humans.

However, many researchers have begun to test how CBD can help ease the pain related to cancer treatment.

are there any CBD side effects

As with most medications, there are a few side effects that can occur in some people, but usually, most people tolerate CBD oil well.  The most popular side effects are believed to be tiredness, diarrhoea, lack of appetite and weight gain or weight loss.

Although there currently isn’t a lot of research and conclusive data to support CBD oil and CBD-infused products for pain relief.   It’s agreed that these products have a lot of potential.

There are several CBD products to try when it comes to managing pain, and it all depends on where the pain is.  For arthritis, we would recommend trying a minimum of 1000mg CBD Oil Oral Drops.  CBD works best as an anti-inflammatory, for pain relief, it is best combined with THC.

In contrast, CBD capsules and oils may be better for pain management related to cancer treatments.


the advice

For Advice

For advice and guidance about which products would be best to help relieve pain, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Get in touch at [email protected] or say Hi via social media.

How does the Endocannabinoid system work in our bodies? see our article ‘How does CBD Work’

the conclusion

Does CBD work for pain relief? Yes

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Buying CBD Online

Buy CBD Online UK Lady with a brown paper bag

Buying CBD Online

When you buy CBD online, What do you need to know? Let’s look at the CBD market.

The CBD oil industry was one of the fastest-growing sectors of 2019.  It’s an exciting time for the industry, with Hemp finally being allowed to make a comeback after the ban was put in place in the early’90s.

CBD HIstory

We had been using hemp for centuries before this ban.  Hemp was used in creating a variety of commercial and industrial products including fabric, paper, shoes and bioplastics.

The growing Hemp industry offers consumers a variety of products from hundreds of different brands, including beverages, sweets, topicals and Cannabidiol drops.

What is Hemp, and how is it different from Cannabis

Hemp and Cannabis have several differences.  While the two plants look and smell similar; they are chemically and structurally different.  One of the main aspects that are often misunderstood is the presence of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol).

Hemp is used for its fibre and oil, and Cannabis is consumed for recreation or its medical properties.  THC is the element of the plant that is present in cannabis and is intoxicating, it gives you a ‘head high’.

Cannabis has a much higher level of THC than Hemp.

Growing Hemp was banned in the early 90s because there were many concerns about how to tell the difference between Hemp and Cannabis.  Hemp and Cannabis are separate species from the same botanical Cannabis family.

Just because a species comes from the same family doesn’t mean its chemical compounds and appearance are identical.  For instance; the Aloe family has over 500 species, and all look relatively similar, but only a few of the species have medicinal properties (such as the Aloe Vera species).

Hemp is a fantastic plant offering an abundance of uses that are gradually being brought to light and accepted across the globe.  To reap the benefits of Cannabidiol, many consumers search online for CBD products. 

But it can be a challenging task trying to work out which products are genuine.

Here are the top questions to ask;

Which country was the Cannabidiol SOURCED

CBD is extracted from the Hemp plant; therefore, the quality of the Hemp plant used plays a huge factor in the quality of the end product.  Big Chief Hemp CBD is freshly sourced from some of the highest quality farmers in Europe.

We maintain a close relationship with our suppliers to maintain consistently high-quality CBD products.  Big Chief Hemp CBD chose to source CBD from Portugal due to the nutrient-rich soil, and high cultivation standards present there.

The cultivation practices used are environmentally friendly.   Abstaining from the use of pesticides to produce a Premium Hemp for CBD production.

Has your CBD been tested in a Laboratory

One of the first things to ask when buying any CBD product is whether a third-party laboratory has tested the product.

If the product is tested, then a lab report should be readily available from the company.  Either on their website or by contacting them.  A lab report will confirm which cannabinoids are in your oils and if the correct amount of CBD is present.

Leafie reviewed 47 US CBD products.  The outcome was only 24 products delivered the amount stated on the label.

A lab report will give you peace of mind.

Who is the 3rd party Laboratory

A company that knows the source of its Oils; is responsible.

We have mentioned, more than a few times, a 3rd party but who are they?

PhytoLab, are an independent ISO 17025-accredited, and GMP-certified lab in the UK.

How much THC does CBD oil contain

Over recent years CBD has become highly valued for being a non-intoxicating product that has many potential health benefits.  Demand for CBD has boomed with the increase of consumers looking to discover the benefits of Cannabidiol without the “high” from the THC.

For a CBD product to be classed as non-intoxicating, it must contain less than 0.2% THC.  This level is deemed as “safe” and isn’t anywhere near enough THC to inflict the psychoactive effects that cause a “high”.

The level of THC will be shown as a percentage on either the supplier’s website or on the container of the product (or both).  Big Chief Hemp Oral Drops contain 0.0005% of THC a value considered untraceable.

How is CBD oil Extracted

The extraction process put the Hemp flowers into a chamber and CO2 is added.  The CO2 is pushed through the flowers and then remains in the liquid soaking for a couple of hours.

There are various methods of extraction.  The oldest form of CBD extraction is the use of ethanol (simple alcohol).

Using high proof alcohol, the CBD is drawn out of the plant with minimal damage, in a similar way, by soaking them in the liquid.

Are there any artificial ingredients in CBD Oil

Last but not least, we recommend checking the ingredients list of the product to ensure there are no hidden or artificial ingredients that you weren’t expecting to be present. If no ingredients are listed on the product, then this immediately should be a red flag. If the ingredients are listed, but you’re presented with names you cannot read or pronounce, then a quick search online will reveal what the ingredient is.

Big Chief Hemp only uses high-quality CBD sourced from Hemp farmers in Portugal and processed in the UK. We can ensure you are provided with a premium product without any complicated jargon or hidden ingredients.

Big Chief Hemp Oils, contain fractional coconut oil, natural flavourings & CBD Oil

If you have any questions about our products, please free to contact us.

our conclusion

Yes, it is safe to buy CBD online.
