Clearing the smoke Common CBD myths
Cannabidiol (CBD) is an exciting product that has made its way quickly to the forefront of research, media, and laws surrounding Cannabis.
It’s very difficult to ignore the presence of CBD as it can now be found in many products in; health food shops, and online shops.
With the growing popularity of CBD, many myths and controversies are occurring.
When CBD began trending were the many case studies and videos that showed CBD products being used for wellness.
But with this, came a lot of apprehension about CBD, because there was little research and Common CBD myths.
Also, most of us are more familiar with the illegal Cannabis plant that’s used to “get high”, therefore there is considerable uncertainty and confusion that leaves people asking, “How is CBD legal?”
Let’s take a look at some of the common myths associated with Cannabidiol:
Myth #1
Myth #1: CBD oils are psychoactive
To clear the smoke on this frequently misinformed subject, Hemp is a term used to categorise a variety of Cannabis that contains less than 0.3% THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol).
In other words, Hemp is generally used to describe non-intoxicating Cannabis that’s harvested for its derived products, none of which can make us high.
Hemp is often confused with Recreational Cannabis which is the strain of Cannabis Sativa used for its psychoactive properties.
Cannabis and Hemp
These two plants are almost indistinguishable from one another, so it’s not surprising that many people get confused. Both of these plants can create CBD oil, but the psychoactive element (THC) is produced at very different levels.
CBD oils can’t contain more than 1mg of THC per bottle, while Cannabis can contain up to 30% THC content.

THC is the chemical responsible for the psychological effects derived from Cannabis. To create a psychoactive effect, THC attaches to the cannabinoid receptors (that naturally occur in certain areas of the brain) and stimulates them.
This affects a person’s thinking, concentration, pleasure, sensory and time perception. For THC to cause this psychoactive effect, more than 0.3%
THC is needed; therefore, it would be practically impossible to get high or reap any psychoactive effects from CBD oils.
Myth #2
Myth #2: Cannabis is illegal in the UK, so Hemp must be too
Cannabis has been used across the globe for thousands of years and was widely used in the UK.
In the early ’90s, Cannabis was made illegal in the UK when it was considered dangerous due to its psychoactive effects.
But thanks to over 50 years of research and campaign work, there has been a breakthrough with CBD oil and hemp-infused products
– but Cannabis remains illegal.

Without a prescription. Cannabis remains illegal under the ‘Controlled Substance Act of 1970’.
But Hemp has been removed from this regulation and is now a legal product in the ‘Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018’. Hemp is legal as are hemp-derived products that contain no more than 1mg THC per bottle.
To further clarify Hemp vs Cannabis, Cannabis is illegal without a prescription in the UK because it contains more than 0.3%
THC subsequently causes psychoactive effects.
Hemp has been legalised in the UK as long as it contains less than 1mg THC per bottle and doesn’t cause psychoactive effects.

Myth #3
Myth #3: CBD isn’t a medicine
In 2018, the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) classed CBD as official medicine. Provided it meets strict safety, quality and efficiency standards.
However, there are currently only a few products that are prescribed to treat certain medical conditions.
In the UK, CBD is present in medicines: Sativex and Epidiolex. Sativex is used by people with multiple sclerosis (MS) and people in pain due to cancer, while Epidiolex is used for epilepsy in children.
A prescription is not required to buy Big Chief Hemp CBD Oil.
There are many claims that CBD can be used to treat or ease the symptoms of many illnesses. But medical research is still developing to understand precisely how CDB helps with medical conditions.
Until all the research is fully formed and the evidence is there, it’s difficult to say exactly which illnesses can be treated with CBD.
**Products sold by Big Chief Hemp are food supplements and not medical grade CBD as described above.
Myth #4
Myth #4: CBD cures illnesses
Scientists are researching the benefits of CBD more and more each week. There isn’t any research to officially prove that CBD can cure any medical conditions. CBD may be used as a dietary supplement, but it isn’t possible to say that it is a cure for anything.
For example, many cancer patients may use CBD to aid with their symptoms (which may or may not be useful depending on the person). But there is no scientific evidence that CBD alone can cure cancer.
The term “medical Cannabis”
often confuses people when they are researching CBD. Firstly, CBD and so-called medical Cannabis are derived from different species of Cannabis Sativa L. As discussed in myth #2, the properties of legal CBD and Cannabis are very different.
These differences are the reasons why one is legal, and one is a controlled substance. Why do I call it ‘So-Called medical Cannabis’ because Cannabis is Cannabis?
There is no difference between what is grown in a Laboratory and street Cannabis.

The Hemp vs Cannabis subject can be quite confusing. There’s no wonder why there are so many misconceptions surrounding the booming CBD industry.
Despite the lack of scientific verification, the terms Hemp and CBD/ CBD oil have become deeply ingrained in today’s society.
Although this subject is a hot topic, there is a need to re-educate the world about Hemp and Cannabis. But change cannot happen overnight.
So far, we have all seen many case studies of how CBD has helped people improve their quality of life.
With this increased online presence, more funding has been provided to fund research.
As more and more research is undertaken we hope that more and more evidence is gained to prove the benefits of CBD.
Now that some of the most common CBD myths have been cleared up, you may want to know how CBD works.
Our conclusion
We receive many questions about Cannabinoids; we have selected the most frequently asked questions to answer.
For more information, see our article, Everything you wanted to know about CBD. I hope this has given you a fresh insight into CBD. And unravelled The Common CBD myths