How long does CBD take to work
This is a good question. The answer: it’s complicated.
Cannabis is not a pharmaceutical medicine, and as such, it isn’t easy to measure it like one. CBD is a botanical remedy and not to be described as a cure.
Everyone is different
CBD is not to be treated like a pharmaceutical. There are no hard and fast generic rules to pop on the outside of a box. This is nature and as individuals, we process CBD at different rates.
The answer has many factors to consider — height, weight, metabolism, absorption rates, as well as your requirements. All are needing different quantities of CBD to be active.
If we look at diet and calorie-burning, a 6.2ft slender built male will burn calories just sitting down whereas a 5.2ft slim woman must physically move to burn calories. ; Taller people, generally are supporting a greater mass against gravity, which in turn requires more energy.
The larger we are, height or weight or smaller, we are affecting the rates at which we process food, and this is the same for the CBD delivery system.
CBD dosage
For most users, success is achieved by taking CBD in the morning and again in the evening.
Each of us is different with different needs. From one end of a spectrum to the other, for example, Epilepsy patients using medical-grade cannabis oils require to consume far more than individuals looking to relieve chronic pain or folks looking for a feeling of well-being.
We always recommend you begin with a smaller amount, start with a 500mg in a 10ml bottle and see how it ‘affects’ you. Increasing your dosage by a drop each time, until you hit your ‘sweet spot.’
(500mg for a sense of wellbeing – 4000mg for help with discomfort).
How do you know it’s working?
In the words of one of our customers “As the effects are subtle you don’t feel major changes, but by golly, you realise it’s magic when you go on holiday for a week and can’t take it with you!”
How they will know if the CBD is working as there is no ‘high’? It is not easy to say. It’s difficult to know how long CBD takes to work. The benefit is not something you can measure immediately as with a traditional pain killer.
Professor Mike Barnes, a Consultant Neurologist and Medical Cannabis expert, Tells us, that we should see Cannabis as a Botanical Medicine to work alongside conventional pharmaceuticals.
My Personal Experience
I do not make any medical claims. Can only tell you of my own humble experience.
In days gone by, I would use Prescription Pain killers, anti-inflammatories, anti-depressants and occasional sleeping tablets, with a pill on top to soften the blow on my stomach.
Now, I use over-the-counter pain relief, no anti-depressants and no medicines to relieve the effects on my stomach.
Twice a day, I use three drops of 2000mg CBD Oil. When it gets bad, I will increase the dosage to three times a day. It took me a good four months to figure out how much was a perfect balance.
When I began taking CBD in 2018, unaware of the correct dosage, I was taking too much too soon. The way I was treating myself was futile, and it was washing over me. After much research and learning the correct way to begin. Restarted with small dosages and a slow build-up, it began to have more effect.
Initially, I was unaware of the effects, and Nowadays, I can feel it working. Am now more than aware when I’ve forgotten to take it. It’s been fantastic, and have not requested a prescription for pain relief for a good two years, yet my condition is worsening, due to having two degenerative illnesses.
Generally speaking
The vast majority of case results are subtle. If you’re using CBD for anxiety for, example, you will notice that you feel ‘better.’ Those who try it for chronic pain will find a gradual decrease in the severity of the pain.
In my case, CBD is not a full replacement for pain killers, but more a massive compliment to my regime. In reducing the need for prescription drugs.
It’s been suggested, that for anxiety or depression, CBD can take a good three to four weeks to begin to feel the benefits.

One of my lovely neighbours laughed with me and commented, I sound like one of those old-time travelling salesmen.
“Gather your fine selves around folks, have I got a tincture for you, this here in my hand will cure ALL your ills”
Honestly, my neighbour is not wrong; that is what I sound like, an 1800s travelling dentist from a Western movie, Minus the accent.
The reason; is because I do have the tincture that will assist a lot of ills.
**please note I dropped the word ‘cure’. CBD is not a cure for an illness, but it is a fabulous all-rounder for easing symptoms of illness.
So how does CBD have such a broad reach across many symptoms?
Here comes the science bit
The body works on a system of transmitters and receptors. There is more than one system. A few of these systems are:
- Dopamine: A neurotransmitter that plays an essential role in the brain and body. These transmitters regulate many of our actions; movement, attention, nausea, sleep, too many to mention in this article.
- Serotonin system. The system regulates moods and social behaviours, digestion, appetite, memory sleep, and sexual desire.
- Opioid Receptors. Proteins extend onto the surface of a cell membrane and then act as a communication link between the external environments. This cell interacts with drugs or neurotransmitters.
So what role does the Endocannabinoid system play?
The Endocannabinoid system is the Master controller of the Systems, which goes a long way to explain why it has such a far reach across many ailments.
Supporting your Endocannabinoid system helps to correct many imbalances throughout the body.

The Science
CBD’s effect on the cannabinoid receptors ultimately helps increase the production of anandamide and 2-AG endocannabinoids.
CBD targets alpha-3 glycine receptors. Dysfunctional glycine receptors cause pain and inflammation and CBD appears to suppress issues.
CBD interacts with receptors called 5-HT1A and TRPV1.
5-HT1A is one of the major chemical mediators that is released in injured and inflamed tissue.
TRPV1 is interesting and has many roles. Aside from the detection and regulation of your body temperature. It is also part of the transmission and modulation of your pain. Which explains the reason cannabidiol has to ability to alleviate inflammation and pain.
Our Conclusion
So when we ask, How long does CBD take to work?.
With all these factors in mind, the only person who can advise you on dosage and how long it takes to feel the effects is you.